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rest mass 【物理學】靜質量。

rest period

The effects of contact potential differences ( cpd ) in the experiments for testing coulomb ' s inverse square law and detecting the photon rest mass based on the concentric metal spheres were discussed , and the ultimate restrictions on hte experimental sensitivities due to cpd were presented for static experiments and dynamic ones respectively 摘要分析基于同心導體球殼方法檢驗庫侖反平方定律和光子靜止質量的實驗中接觸勢的影響,并分別給出了靜態和動態實驗中接觸勢對實驗靈敏度的限制。

The standard model lets us calculate that nearly all the mass of protons and neutrons is from the kinetic energy of their constituent quarks and gluons ( the remainder is from the quarks ' rest mass ) 從標準模型可以得知,質子與中子的質量幾乎皆來自夸克與膠子的動能(其馀的質量則來自夸克的靜止質量) 。

A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime , zero electric charge , and zero rest mass 引力微子一種假想粒子,被假定為引力相互作用的量子,并被推測為具有無限長壽命、零電荷和零靜止質量

For a compound particle , the constituents ' rest mass and also their kinetic energy of motion and potential energy of interactions contribute to the particle ' s total mass 對于復合粒子來說,每個組成粒子的靜止質量、動能以及交互作用的位能,都會貢獻到粒子的總質量。

Fundamental particles have an intrinsic mass known as their rest mass ( those with zero rest mass are called massless ) 基本粒子有個稱為靜止質量的內在質量(靜止質量為零的粒子稱為無質量粒子) 。

In these reactions , rest mass is not conserved , although ( as in any other reaction ) , mass - energy is conserved 在這些反應方面,靜止質量不被轉換,雖然(同在任何其它反應方面一樣) ,質-能被轉換。

Evidently one of the main distinguishing characteristics of photon is just its zest rest mass . 顯然光子的一個主要區別于其它粒子的特征就在于它的靜止質量為零。